Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Favorite Blogs

http://www.nflguru.net (Blog all about anything to do with the NFL or football)

http://www.blogs.smarter.com/sports (Blog that has anything from funny photos or stories to actual information about any sports)

http://www.photocars.blogspot.com (Shows pictures of cool cars that bloggers post)

http://www.sethgodin.typepad.com (How to get a good job in the business world)

http://www.blog.guykawasaki.com (All about entrepreneurship and running your own business.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Internet Use Survey

This survey was conducted to help better understand the differences between generations, as well as gender differneces and the use of the internet. By surveying a variety of people between gender and age group, one will be able to see many differences between the groups.

My results showed that many of the younger generations use the internet more for social networking. The results also showed that younger generations tend to use the internet more often. Older generations use the internet more for E-mail and work. Most harldy use it for social networking.

These results did somewhat conclude what I was orginally thinking. Compared to the three people I surveyed that are roughly the same age as myself, their results were very differnent compared to those of an older generation. Younger people use it more for leisure time as well as friends and social networking. It is mostly used as entertainment, much more than it is used as a tool. Older generations, if they even use the internet at all, use it more for work and E-mail, almost the exact opposite as the younger generation. Younger children use it exclusively as entertainment such as games, instant messaging, etc.