Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Vice President for Safety: How to keep America safe, no salaries were mentioned, and it doesn't really tell how to apply.

Searching for People

1) A) The names of some of my relatives but not myself are listed

2) I think it is cool, but also, many people who you may not want to find you can do it easily. All they need is a computer.

3) B) It seems to be a little harder. It seems aimed towards businesses more than anything.
C) Found it

4) I found the address for Collision Concepts in Lincoln. It also gives me directions and tells what is done there.

Searching News

There are few similarities and one main difference of news sites including Google news and WN networks

First, they both are news sites. One can go to these sites and look at information that is updated hourly. That is where the similarities end, and the differences start.

Google news is a site that posts news from everyone, everywhere. It is not biased information and if it is biased then they at least have articles that are biased on both sides.

WN networks are very liberal. They post news from anyone who is liberal. This makes it hard to find the real truth in the news these days. You can't find true news on TV, and it looks like it is the same on the internet.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Narrative Evaluation

I recently visited the website http://www.martinlutherking,org to find whether it is a credible resource. I found there is no credible author, but the website is sponsored by which is a white power site. So this is a biased site against MLK. Its obviously not a credible site.

Going even further into it, the links are credible. All of the information given is biased against MLK. It is all easily accessable information. You can browse the site easily as they have many navigational tools.

Although this site is easy to browse, and full of information, the fact that this is all biased information would not make it a credible resourse. Unless you were writing a paper on how to be a racist, then this wouldn't be a good website to use.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Privacy Policies

Barnes & Noble (
A) They receive and collect the name of the domain and host from which you access the Internet; the Internet protocol (IP) address of the computer you are using; the browser software you use and your operating system; the date and time you access their site; and the Internet address of the web site from which you linked directly to their site. We use this information to monitor the usage of our site. No, none of it is personal.
B) It is collected to moniter use of their site.
C) They occasionally do with other companies affiliated with Barnes & Noble
D) It doesn't specify how long they keep the information.
E) They can't if they are members unless they cancel their account or all information if they don't use cookies.
F) It doesn't say anything about TRUSTe or BBBonline.
G) Yes they use cookies to remember personal information for your benefit.

Wal-Mart (
A) If you create an account they take your name, email address, and your password. When you buy something they collect your name and payment information
B) It is collected to bill you after you make a purchase.
C) They do not share your info with any third parties, period.
E) They can opt out if they cancel their account.
F) They post gurrantees with the Federal Trade Commision
G) Yes, they use them to remember passwords, etc, for your benefit.

Dell, INC (
A) They collect the information you give them in order to provide you products and services, inform you about their products and fulfill your orders and service requests.
B) It is collected to help with the sales of whatever you buy from them online.
C) They share only if they are are owned or partially owned by Dell, INC.
E) They can if they cancel their account.
F) They gurrantee with BBBonline.
G) It does not talk about cookies.

Ebay and PayPal

3) A) The price of the highest priced BMW is $113,995 or best offer and it is a 2007.

B) The price of the lowset priced BMW is $23,950 and it is a 2004.

4) A) It is free to register on Ebay and they guide you through it step-by-step.

B) You have to become an Ebay seller, Prepare and list your item, manage the listing, and complete the sale. You can register easily but also have to have a seller account.

C) You can trade very easily and it is all protected by Ebay and all fradulent sellers can be tracked.

6) Personal: Used for little things, restricted to sending money and thats it.
Premier: Used for people who buy a lot off the internet. Can do anything but limited to one person.
Business: Used for business. Many people can buy on one account anyway they want to.

Better Business Bureau and Amazon

3) A) A transaction is secure because many places encrypt the credit card numbers you use. Also there may be a locked padlock at the bottom of the screen. Also, you can see the unbroken button at the bottom of the screen. Lastly, you can see the icon of the lock on the status bar.

B) The safest way to pay is by credit card, because it can always be repaid.

C) The Better Business Bureau, the Federal Trade Commision's Consumer Complaint Form, or the Office of the States Attorneys General.

4) A) It protects websites that sell things from fraud.

C) It distinguishes websites from all others.

D) Must be a business physically in the US or Canada, the company must have been in business for a minimum of one year, the company must have a satisfactory complaint handling record with the Better Business Bureau, and it must agree with the BBB.

6) A) You can return an item up to 30 days of delivery for a full refund.

B) Amazon will pay the shipping cost

C) You will only recieve a partial refund if it has been opened.

10 Tips to Protect Personal Information

The article on is contains very important information. Things that are useful are firewalls, anti-spyware and anti-virus software. This is a major step to protect our computers. Reading the privacy policy when you go to a website for the first time is very beneficial no matter if it seems to be a waste of time. Getting a pop-up blocker installed while on the internet can help ward off spam or anything else that may try to get on your computer, and blocking bad websites will also help. Using more than one e-mail can help (i.e. one for shopping online, one for personal use, etc.). Try not to get onto many third party websites will also be beneficial. If you copy important files and save them on a disk, even if your computer is hacked you will still have them. If you don't necessarily need to give personal info, don't give it. Make sure your e-mail messages are encrypted. The last thing you can do is log in annonymously when on a website.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Hackers Video Assignment

1) A) To me, hackers are people who gain access illegally into others computers with the intention of gaining control of others information, files, etc.

B) Hackers hack because they want to show flaws in systems. Just as people used to cause public mischief by graffiti, etc, poeple hack just to cause mischief. Another reason is just because they are bored. They also hack because it can be "power at your fingertips."

C) To gain a true opinion, one would have to talk about what kind of hacker. Hackers who get into others computers to steal money, credit card numbers, etc are unhealthy for the internet. It is just another way to steal from people and it is fraud. Some hackers, who only hack to show flaws in systems and do nothing with the information they gain, can be good for the internet. As we move along in time, computers are going to be more prominent, and as we put more information in our computers, we need better security. Hackers who point out we need better security in our computers can help us. It is especially helpful with company programs such as Microsoft programs when they point out flaws before everybody has these new programs in their system.

2) A) If I was hacked, I would report to the FBI local office, the US secret service, or most probable, the Internet Crime Complaint Center. The phone number for the FBI local office is (217) 522-9675. The closest office is in Springfield.

B) The Internet Crime Complaint Center or IC3 is a combination of the FBI and the Nationals White Collar Crime Center. Its job is to recieve, develop, and refer criminal complaints for the ever growing face of cyber crime.

3) "Hacked by a Corporation" by Kevin Callahan is a very informative article about interet and computer securtiy. Callahan goes about telling us abou the different types of web bugs such as cookies, and tells what they do. He tells us that cookies were put on our computers to help us. Cookies are what allows our computers to remember our passwords and even buy things off the internet. Of all the good things cookies do, they are also bad.

Cookies can be used by third party servers to track everything you do on the internet. Big companies can even track and learn your indentity on the internet. They know who you are, what you like, etc. This is a major violation of privacy, and if this was done without the internet as it has happened before, people would be very bad.

Callahan concludes by telling us how to help protect our computers. We can turn off our cookie applicator which could make it so we can't even buy someting via internet. We could use filters which could also make it hard to recieve things we want. We could even turn all scripting off but that will most likely make a lot of sites not work properly. Ultimately, he tells us there is no real way to stop cookies the right way.


1) ICANN is a world renowed non-profit corporation that specializes in Internet Protocal (IP) addreses and who gets what, where it goes, etc.

2) It is the IP address. Every site on the internet has its own unique address. It is a numbering system.

3) Its role is to ensure that every site is unique not only in IP addresses, but also domain names, etc. They make sure everyone has a valid website so every website goes through them.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

IP Addresses

For My Favorite Domain Names

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Test Question

The first and worst way to connect to the internet is dial-up. This is done by connecting to a phone line, and using a modem to transer the digital signals over the telephone line. The advantage of dial-up is that it is very cheap to have. The dissadvantages are plentiful. It is very slow, one cannot talk on the phone while on the internet unless a second line is available, and the connection can get dissrupted easily. A good consumer of this is someone who rarely uses the internet. It is not used much anymore.

The second way is cable. An example would be Insightbb. This takes cable television signals from the company where it is put in a line splitter. The line splitter takes the television signals and sends them to the TV, and takes the digital signals and sends them to the computer. Disadvantages are somewhat higher prices, and it is not the fastest form of connecting to the internet. Advantages are speed (it isn't slow), dedicated connection, and it isn't hooked up to a phone line. This form of connecting to the internet is perfect for people who use the internet for things such as e-mail, web browsing, etc. High speed downloads can be sometimes slow, but the are finding better ways to speed up the process.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

"Free" Internet Service Offers

The article I read, "Hide and Go Seek: Finding the Disclosures in "Free" Internet Service Offers," was very informative. It told the true secrets behind supposed "free" internet service. It turns out, the service is not really free.

It may be 1 month for free, even if it says 500 hours free, it really means 500 hours for one month. This would require the user to be on the internet roughly 16 hours a day. After 1 month, providers may automatically sign the user up unless the user cancels the subscription. This cancelation may also include a fee.

In conclusion, signing up for "free" internet service may turn out to not be free at all. "Free" internet access is another way for corprate providers to make even more money. It is filled with hidden contracts, fees, and other things that make this "free" service more costly than anything.

Link to article:

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Favorite Blogs (Blog all about anything to do with the NFL or football) (Blog that has anything from funny photos or stories to actual information about any sports) (Shows pictures of cool cars that bloggers post) (How to get a good job in the business world) (All about entrepreneurship and running your own business.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Internet Use Survey

This survey was conducted to help better understand the differences between generations, as well as gender differneces and the use of the internet. By surveying a variety of people between gender and age group, one will be able to see many differences between the groups.

My results showed that many of the younger generations use the internet more for social networking. The results also showed that younger generations tend to use the internet more often. Older generations use the internet more for E-mail and work. Most harldy use it for social networking.

These results did somewhat conclude what I was orginally thinking. Compared to the three people I surveyed that are roughly the same age as myself, their results were very differnent compared to those of an older generation. Younger people use it more for leisure time as well as friends and social networking. It is mostly used as entertainment, much more than it is used as a tool. Older generations, if they even use the internet at all, use it more for work and E-mail, almost the exact opposite as the younger generation. Younger children use it exclusively as entertainment such as games, instant messaging, etc.